Professional Furnishing
Class 3^A
Teacher of
Professional: Maria Carmen Viganò
Teachers of Laboratory: Giuseppe Meroni, Marcello Puija
Scholastic year
2009/2010 Institute Fausto Melotti of Cantù
Project: “the
Studying this
issue the students and I have verified "the provocation of the
wrongfooting" due to the waste/recycling material that obligatorily we had
to use. In these times, this kind of material is very attractive for the world
of creative the ones, but diverges in comparison to curricular planning.
This process was
followed by a phase of operative incertitude that obliged us to a meditation.
In the end we agreed that our works had to be humorous, aware that our social
world, sometimes, is sad, and they had to excite, because the emotion is the
fuel that makes the world moving and it often makes us to overcome the scarce
personal motivation.
We have then put
ourselves in the historical furrow of our school. Planning and creativeness: to
discover our potentialities and to put this in action, underlining the
continuity of the relationship between students and teacher in the daily life
For us, some
waste/recycle materials founded have been particularly interesting as: the
recycled grey cardboard, the newspaper paper, the plastic bobbins remaining
from the textile processing, pieces of discard of balsa of the laboratories of
modelling, we have started thinking about the frame as theme of cabinet-making
The frame as:
element of restriction of a bidimensional space but
also as border of imaginary or illustrated territories.
a window on reality but also
an aedicule that celebrates an evocative image,
excessive and noisy element (a minstrel that attracts
the attention)
an object itself that can transmit new meanings.
Here then:
the frame entitled" LIFE." The
outlines of the seeds of the playing card (spade, diamond, club and hearts)
have been created with the paper-pulp from plastic mould for the ice cube for
the summer drinks. Specific words written on shabby newspaper were chosen and
cut out. They are, by now, discreet but obsolete witnesses of the flowing of
present time. The predominance of the grey, dark or less intense, in such
three-dimensional outlines belonging to sensorial the space, assumes the metaphor
of the life, revealing its project: the chance, the fortune and the cheater.
Often grey, life is made of repeated gestures, duties and sacrifices.
Nevertheless, sometimes love, also in general sense, inflames it (the selected
symbol has been the red heart as organ of fire). Life assumes often just
one colour: the red that marks it in an indelible way. However, be careful to
the " black spades"
that warns: each love has its part of hurting pain.
Another frame has been projected through to geometric
shape out of the ordinary "THE CYCLOID", made of regular tetrahedrons
all linked among them. The recycled cardboard and the veneering of discard,
kindly given by the firm" Tabu" of Cantù, such manufactured article
were made by us. The tetrahedron is one of the five regular solid, whose
harmonic regularity, its imperturbable and static appearance, have been put in
discussion when the single element has been combined with other tetrahedrons,
forming a sort of ring, that wheel on himself, just turned into cycloid. That
cycloid, with the possibility to rotate on himself, one of its geometric
property, has allowed us to created complex form of which same faces could lay
on planes sets in different positions in the same" aedicule."
Representing the continuous to become and the contamination of the different
surfaces, the same geometric structure of the cycloid has allowed us to"
not-define" the same rigorousness of the frame, permitting a mobile part: nothing is always equal to
itself but different events can modify the objective state of fixity. These
mobile parts produce some shadows on the fixed parts of the frame and the movement of light during the day and the
change of seasons testify the continuous flowing of the phenomena. The choice
of using, in the prototype, the recovered panels of laundry for the house
publicity has given us the possibility to think that everything is transitory.
Also the winning image, more compiled, with bright colours that has captured
the attention of a lot of people, is passed. It has been fragmented, demolished
and reconstituted with other meanings.
Somehow, always starting from the idea of regularity
to be contaminated, we have created a frame from a separated surface according
to square modular net, regular form for excellence, we have then curved it
not-defining its being flat, apparently from nothing, some depressions were
created interrupting its flat regularity. We also found one different form of
existence. Under the light the surface has transformed from bidimensional to three-dimensional!
The use of the paper-pulp, made by recycled scottex, to draw the form of the
mould, has created the illusion to have produced forms of " FALSE
MARBLE" (title of the frame), to ironically playing on the contraries:
soft-hard, warm-cold, fixed-mobile.
Reflecting on the figure of the minstrel the
association of ideas with the carnival mask and particularly of the accessory
of the hat over a bizarre wig has been easy. Starting from the form of the
circle, studying some of its structural lines and thinking to a possible
folding of a hat, it came natural to think about it as support of the
consequential trunks of cone from the discard of the bobbins, seeming ruins of
unlikely eighteenth-century decorations. And here lays the parody of the EPHEMERAL
BAROQUE! (title of the frame).
Referring to the historical experience of whom has
worked in the design world how to forget the precious lesson of the everlasting
Bruno Munari, and of his didactic games! In one of his modular game, we have
observed the regular form of the circle in which an equilateral triangle was
subscribed. Wanting to work with the asymmetry and the discontinuity, we have
replaced the circle with the ellipse (two centers or fires). In this way, we
have introduced an element of trouble in the aggregation and rended dynamic and
not symmetrical what was born for having both properties: being static and
symmetrical. All was built recovering coloured old papers binders and tables of
sketch not finished and by now obsolete because compiled in preceding years.
The effect is of an explosion of colours and " DANCING FORMS"
(title of the frame).
A frame in particular focused our attention: "JOIE
DE VIVRE" (title of the frame). We were inspired by a pyrotechnic
show. On a support made of discards of balsa, then dyed with mordant to dignify
its colour, we have glued the coloured plastic bobbins longitudinally cut. On
the form of circle, that everything contains but never begin and never ends,
the placing in radius of the outlines of the bobbins cut has also created the
feeling that everything is in expansion as to fireworks that has just blown up,
as ours " joy to live!" .
The last job has been dedicated to the " OLD
NEWSPAPERS." Exploiting their resistance if rolled up, hold by
electrician wrappers, it seemed scheming to delimit the images with the words!
We have
tried to resolve the seen forms of our frames I know that they reached the
evidence of an adequacy from our point of view.
Despite the singleness of every look, which sees what its conformation allows
him and suffers from the poverty of its individuality"," the strive
of our creativeness was that to approach to form that stirred up the feeling of
the adequacy." because." it appears to everybody as the essence itself
of Beautiful without changing, context, neither reserve or effort." 2
We have
tried to engrave on the sensory sphere of whom looks, hoping not to
leave them without emotions.
1" not-define" neologism that aims to
describe how, with an intervention rationally managed, we are inclined false
make to law of composition or geometrical and modify it in its opposite
2 cits. Muriel
Barbery" The elegance of the hedgehog" Europa editions.
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